Friday, May 13, 2016

Five on Friday!

Five on Friday!

Today I am linking up with some of my favorite bloggers, April from A. Liz Adventures, to talk about 5 things you may not know about me!

1.) I was born in 1982, and am a Leo. Although I don’t think that necessarily means anything.

2.) All the women in my family are “M” names and I have never hated my name, Megan Patricia

3.) I lived in Ankara, Turkey for 3 years from 1990-1993 and attended a British school. I left with a pretty good British accent, almost fluent in Turkish, and friends and times I will always look back on fondly.

4.) I have seen every episode of Seinfeld several times. My husband and I started watching it together when we first started dating, and we quickly learned we both had similar senses of humor. My favorite is probably half George/ half Elaine. I see myself in both of them! (ha!)

5.) Speaking of humor, I have a very sarcastic and irreverent sense of humor. Most people who know me very well know I have a contagious laugh and find pretty much everything funny. One of my old high school friends told me the other day, I should try stand up. Umm, not that brave.

Hope you all have a great weekend! Our peonies are looking and smelling beautiful. The weather is going to be beautiful, and there is a lot going on in Knoxville! The International Biscuit festival is happening on Market square this Saturday! If you are local- you must check it out!

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